8th Grade Engineering & Technology
PROGRAM CONCENTRATION: Engineering & Technology
COURSE TITLE: Technological Systems, Grade 8
Course Description:
Students will examine and use the Engineering and Design Process to create their own video game software. This process will include examination of Technological Systems, Core Technologies, and the Universal Systems Model.
Course Details:
In the 8th Grade Engineering & Technology Education class, you will focus on Technology Systems. Students will be introduced to technology systems, the engineering design process and basic core technologies. Students will then be introduced to the world of electronic game design. Students will begin by completing several tutorials using the GameMaker game design engine to design a 2 dimensional game. After completing the tutorials, students will then use their own creativity to design their own electronic game. Lastly, students will use Kodu to design a basic 3 dimensional electronic game.
Students will have a unit vocabulary test on Technology Systems and a cummalitive final vocabulary test to include terms learned during the design of their electronic games.